
This is the SolderRite, a device I co-invented to facilitate the process of soldering for novice users.

When someone is new to soldering, it can be difficult for them to effectively hold the iron, solder, and the components that need soldering. This was apparent on the high school robotics team, where students were learning to solder for the first time. 

The SolderRite is an iron that can dispense solder through user input, via the buttons on the side of the device.

Rather than holding the iron in one hand and the solder in the other, we created a device that can be operated using just one hand, reducing the need for meticulous dexterity for a simple soldering operation. The user's free hand could then be used to support the wires being soldered.

This project served as one of my earliest introductions to rapid prototyping via 3D modeling & 3D printing!

Check out the video demonstration below!

Here is a demonstration of the SolderRite in action!